the best form of flattery.

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

the "face" of facebook seems to be changing at a very rapid pace. i logged on the other day and noticed the new format and could only think of one thing: twitter.

i started my twitter account a few weeks before the class set them up, and i have to admit, i didn't really know what to do with it. not many of my friends have twitter accounts, so it didn't seem all that useful. since then, more and more people and organizations are getting twitter accounts, and it's made the site make a little more sense to me.

but back to facebook...what? the format was really confusing at first, and i'm still not a very big fan of it. the wall posts, status updates, and everything is just thrown in together with no graphic notation of what's what. i think the main reason this re-design took place is because the folks at facebook are noticing that twitter is picking up speed.

most of us have such short attention spans that we now only want to receive updates and information in a single line. we skim over blogs and disregard anything that's too long. i myself am guilty of this; if anyone posts a blog that is somewhat lengthy, i have to be pretty interested in whatever it is that they're talking about to read through the whole thing.

while i appreciate twitter and its simplicity, i'm kind of appalled at our lack of focus. and i also think that facebook should do its own thing and not attempt to replicate the format of another popular website.

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