kindle-garten: a schooling in e-books

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kindle is something i've heard of, moreso now that i'm in college, but have never really seriously looked at. for those of us who are blissfully unaware, kindle is basically an electronic device which you can download electronic "book files" onto and read, in lieu of paper publications.

novel idea. that being said, apple has already allegedly begun designing a rival product, deemed the "mediapad" by many tracking its potential development. the mediapad is pretty much a larger ipod touch, with the electronic book capacity. the screen would be larger than the kindle since and the touch screen feature would allow for the elimination of the keyboard from the device, but it would be smaller in physical size than the kindle. the only downside is that it would most likely be more expensive than the $350 kindle device.

i have to say, apple is awesome at coming up with fantastic new ideas, as well as improving upon previous media devices. smaller, more lightweight, and generally more convenient seem to be the trademarks of the apple label.

along with the new-and-improved mediapad, there has been talk about a new smaller, less expensive version of the iphone, dubbed "iphone lite", likely increasing the popularity of the already hot item. even more than this is the discussion of a possible collaboration between apple and verizon to create another version of the iphone (being sure not to break any alliances with the original host network of the iphone, at&t).

i think this would open up an entirely new and HUGE opportunity for apple. verizon is a gigantic network, and i know that i personally know more people (including myself) that have verizon than any other network. not to mention, spreading the product across two network lines would be an incredibly smart move, since it would allow people to continue their existing plan, but with a better product.

well done, apple. revolutionizing the media and technology all the time. while these products are all tentative and have yet to come to fruition, if they are released, i think they will prove to garner an enormous market. i'm pretty sure apple is set to dominate the market for a while.

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John King said...

I still think that when it comes to a real novel, nothing beats paper and ink. The feel of paper in my hand is something I feel like I need when I read something lengthy, also I hate trees.

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