next step: mind control.

Relevant MagazineImage via Wikipedia

i'm a regular subscriber to the relevant podcast put out by relevant magazine. they were doing their regular "slices" feature where they talk about something weird or neat that they've come across in the past week, and they mentioned something that made me sit there kind of awestruck.

you can switch ipod tracks with the raise of an eyebrow. an eyebrow!

it's a little device that looks like headphones, but actually measures tiny movements inside your ear to trigger controls you pre-set, like skipping an ipod track. it can be controlled by anything you set it to like sticking out your tongue:

or wiggling your nose, smiling, winking, frowning, anything! smiling's probably a bad call though; who wants to be abruptly stopped every time they hear a song that makes them happy?

anyway, i thought this was a really tech-y, futuristic-y, ridiculous-y thing. and i'd really like one! but how lazy are we getting that we've come to the point where pressing a button is too much work? and i don't know if i want something that controlling anywhere near my brain. anyone seen the animorphs? you know what i'm talking about...

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